A Yard Management System (YMS) is software designed to manage the overall movement of the automobiles in the yard. YMS proves to be an efficient partner to the yard employees in providing real-time insights on the movement of the automobiles inside the yard right from staging to parking lot assuring filling of the orders in a well-organized format.

YMS optimizes the yard and sheds efficiency by managing the flow of both inbound and outbound vehicles. Our Yard Management solution provides a full proof layout to plan, execute, track and audit loads on the basis of characteristics such as load configuration, labor requirements, along with parking lot and shed capacity.

Salient features of our YMS:

  • Complete YMS application support recording each and every detail of the vehicle such as entry/exit time, registration number, date, etc.
  • Super easy tracking of your vehicle
  • Auto-generated invoices on a daily/monthly/instantaneous basis
  • Complete monitoring of the vehicle via a dedicated mobile/web app